On January 6th at 23:20, Seismic Intensity of 6 earthquake struck Ishikawa Prefecture’s Shika town, home to the Shika Nuclear Power Plant. Unlike the real-time coverage during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, there has been a concerning lack of media reporting on the Shika Nuclear Power Plant in this instance.
Currently, the Shika Nuclear Power Plant, which has been inactive since the Fukushima incident, is deemed safer than operational plants. However, even in its dormant state, the cooling of nuclear fuel rods remains crucial. Due to the disruption of access roads, the status of the plant is unclear, and recovery operations in case of an incident seem challenging.
Recent movements have been pushing for the reactivation of the Shika plant. The operator, Hokuriku Electric Power Company, has claimed, “There are no active faults here,” despite the presence of numerous active faults in the surrounding region. Moreover, the Chairman of Keidanren (also the organizer of Expo 2025) recently inspected the plant and advocated for its immediate reactivation, citing its ‘absolute safety’.
The Japanese public is left in a state of disappointment and darkness.
However, I hold hope that Expo 2025 will bring a ray of light. The German Pavilion, for instance, is expected to showcase Europe’s latest energy technologies and policies through Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Furthermore, as reported on TV, the Dutch Pavilion plans to introduce advanced renewable energy technologies from the Netherlands.
The Japanese people are currently shrouded in darkness, uninformed and disillusioned.
Through Expo 2025, we eagerly anticipate that Europe’s innovative technologies and progressive policies will educate not only Japan’s ignorant and arrogant government and academia but also enlighten the uninformed Japanese public.
#Expo2025 #IshikawaEarthquake #NuclearSafety #RenewableEnergy #SustainableFuture #GlobalAwareness #Japan #ShikaNuclearPowerPlant #EuropeanInnovation #EnvironmentalPolicy #PublicEnlightenment #ErdbebenJapan #KernkraftwerkShika #Sicherheit #Umweltschutz #Energiepolitik #Japan #DeutschesPavillon #Expo2025Osaka #ErneuerbareEnergie #Deutschland #Niederlande #Nachhaltigkeit #Technologie #Klimaschutz #Energieinnovation #Umwelttechnik #DeutscheTechnologie #JapanischePolitik #Kernenergie #Notfallmanagement #Krisenbewältigung #Energiezukunft #InternationaleZusammenarbeit #Umweltbewusstsein #Energiewende