The Japanese government issued a “Nankai Trough Megaquake Warning” on August 8th. This massive earthquake is expected to occur every 100 to 150 years in western Japan. It is not a matter of if but when, and it is something we cannot avoid.
However, by preparing for disaster, we can greatly reduce potential damage.
In Japan, there is a saying: “備えあれば憂いなし” (“Prepare for the worst, and you will have nothing to worry about”). By taking preventive measures, we can significantly minimize the impact of disasters.
One important step is securing your furniture. During the Northern Osaka Earthquake, both of our company’s televisions toppled over and were damaged. TVs are particularly prone to falling, so special care should be taken. Large furniture can be stabilized using tension rods between the top of the furniture and the ceiling. Additionally, it’s crucial to identify and familiarize yourself with evacuation sites in advance.
Gasoline-powered generators, such as those sold by Honda, are also useful. I found them very convenient during disaster drills at evacuation sites. During disasters, having access to information is critical. While radios used to be the main source, today, smartphones, the internet, and social media are vital for staying informed. Thus, chargers, generators, and mobile cables are essential.
The government’s announcement of the “Nankai Trough Megaquake Warning” will likely increase disaster awareness across Japan, leading to more information and availability of disaster preparedness goods.
In Kobe, there are facilities where you can experience the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995 and learn about earthquake preparedness. Take this opportunity to thoroughly prepare for disaster prevention and ensure your safety.
#NankaiTroughMegaquake #EarthquakePreparedness #DisasterPrevention #SafetyMeasures #EmergencyReadiness #FurnitureSafety #GeneratorPower #SmartphoneSafety #DisasterInformation #HanshinAwajiEarthquake #KobeEarthquakeExperience #StayPrepared #SafetyFirst #BePrepared #InformationIsKey