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Exploring the Rich Artistic Heritage of Kyoto’s Shijo Street

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The Edo period (1603-1868) in Japan witnessed the rise of many remarkable artists, among whom Ito Jakuchu (1716-1800) holds a special place. Known for his unique style and rich use of color, Jakuchu’s works continue to inspire awe and admiration. Living on Kyoto’s Shijo Street, he might have crossed paths with another great painter of his era, Nagasawa Rosetsu, who also resided on the same street.

Today, Shijo Street, just a few hundred meters long, is lined with souvenir shops for foreign tourists. At first glance, these shops might appear ordinary and outdated, yet, upon closer inspection, one discovers stores with remarkable design and rich historical backgrounds. This blend of the old and the new, where history meets contemporary design, is what makes Shijo Street uniquely captivating.

In my quest to bring the essence of Japan’s rich cultural heritage into the homes of our foreign clients, I find myself drawn to these shops on Shijo Street. Here, amidst the bustling tourist trail, are treasures of interior decor that not only reflect the traditional artistry of Japan but also resonate with modern aesthetics. Each piece sourced from these stores carries with it a story, a piece of history, and a touch of the artistic genius that once roamed these streets. It’s in these artifacts that the spirit of Ito Jakuchu and the legacy of Shijo Street continue to live on, bringing timeless elegance to contemporary living spaces.

#ItoJakuchu #JapaneseArt #KyotoHeritage #CulturalExploration #InteriorDesign #ShijoStreet #ArtisticLegacy #EdoPeriodArt #TraditionMeetsModern #InspirationInEveryCorner

Celebrating the Thai King’s Birthday with Esteemed International Guests

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Last night, We had the honor of attending the reception for the birthday of the King of Thailand. It was a delightful experience to mingle with our foreign clients, all of whom I find to be truly exceptional individuals. They are well-educated and possess outstanding personal qualities.

One thing I noticed is the pride that Thai people have in being citizens of the Kingdom of Thailand. Additionally, they are extremely delighted when Japanese and other foreigners speak Thai, a gesture of respect and connection that transcends cultural barriers.

Representatives from various countries were present to pay their respects to the Thai Kingdom. Despite their busy schedules in Japan, I hope they take the time to immerse themselves in Japanese culture and history and enjoy some leisurely tourism. It’s a wonderful opportunity to deepen international relationships and understanding.

#ThaiKingdom #CulturalDiplomacy #InternationalRelations #CrossCulturalExchange #Respect #GlobalCommunity #Networking #CulturalAppreciation #Japan #ThaiCulture

Addressing Challenges in Real Estate and Expo Pavilion Construction

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he photo is of The Kitahama, a residential building our company leases to foreign diplomats.

Recently, a friend reached out to me via LINE, concerned about a news report regarding an incident at the Yokohama Arena, managed by a Tokyo-based real estate firm specializing in foreign clientele.

He questioned, “Why do such terrible incidents frequently occur in the real estate sector?”

My clientele mainly comprises foreign governments and multinational corporations, known for their impeccable manners and integrity. We’ve never encountered fraud or similar issues.

I explained to my friend that real estate transactions often involve high stakes and complex dealings, making the field susceptible to fraudulent activities and disputes. The physical nature of real estate, entangled with intricate legal rights and land issues, often becomes a ground for conflict.

Understanding dawned upon him as he responded with a simple “I see.”

Expert opinions suggest that the stagnation in the construction of foreign pavilions for the Osaka Expo is largely due to numerous brokers mediating between foreign governments and Japanese construction companies.

If this is indeed the case, a critical examination and restructuring of these intermediary broker roles might be essential for progress.

#RealEstateIntegrity #Expo2025 #OsakaExpo #ConstructionChallenges #BrokerMediation #BuildingTrust #ProjectManagement #GlobalStandards

The Heart and Soul of Traditional Beliefs

By | Expo Osaka 2025

In Japan, the most extraordinary element is its forests. The Japanese have a long history of cherishing the trees in their forests.

The photo I am sharing was taken in Koyasan, a central monastery of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism located in a forest within the mountains of Wakayama Prefecture. In contrast to European churches located in city centers, the focal point of Japanese faith is nestled in remote forests.

The Japanese believe that forests are sacred, home to divine spirits. Destroying forests is not just an environmental concern, but a breach of spiritual sanctity. There is a strong belief that cutting down forest trees angers the gods and brings curses upon humans.

By 2050, it’s said that all the world’s rainforests might disappear. Humanity cannot survive without the greenery. Thus, halting the destruction of forests is a crucial task for the survival of humankind. Japan’s traditional religious beliefs and the philosophy of forest reverence could play a pivotal role in this rescue mission.

Yet, for the Osaka Expo, there are plans to transplant 1,500 trees to Yumeshima. Considering the sea breeze and the challenges of transplanting grown trees, this seems impractical.

Japan is blessed with magnificent forests. I urge our international visitors to explore not Yumeshima, but the revered and historical forests of Koyasan, Ise Jingu, and many others.

Hearing such news about the Expo, I am left speechless and dismayed at the lack of regard for Japan’s treasured natural heritage.

#JapaneseForests #EnvironmentalConservation #TraditionalBeliefs #SpiritualSanctity #Koyasan #IseJingu #OsakaExpo #EnvironmentalCrisis #NaturePreservation #CulturalHeritage

The Timeless Beauty of Tamba Pottery: A Blend of Tradition and Modern Elegance

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In the world of ceramics, Tamba pottery from Hyogo Prefecture stands out with its 800-year history dating back to the Kamakura period. Among pottery enthusiasts, Japan’s Tamba ware is renowned for its global acclaim.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of purchasing a variety of pieces directly from the 9th generation potter, Mr. Kunihiko Onishi. Receiving explanations directly from Mr. Onishi made the experience both enlightening and enjoyable.

At our company, we take pride in offering traditional Japanese pottery as part of the furnishing in our rental properties for foreign clients. These exquisite pieces serve not only as functional dinnerware but also as elegant room decor.

One might wonder, what makes using Tamba ware different from regular, mass-produced dishes available for as low as 100 yen?

1. Enrichment of the Soul: Using cups and plates from Tamba enriches one’s daily life. It’s an experience we recommend everyone to try when visiting Japan.
2. Nurturing Love in Children: The beauty of fine tableware can play a role in nurturing affection and preventing juvenile delinquency.

The natural beauty of Tamba ware is part of its allure. The Japanese tradition of tea culture flourished from the Muromachi to Edo periods, partly due to the warmth and care put into Tamba pottery, fostering a culture of hospitality and kindness in Japanese tea rooms.

Unlike electric kilns, Tamba pottery is wood-fired, allowing for the serendipity of nature to play a role in the design, often resulting in unexpected and unique colorations.

Diversity and Originality in Shape: Handcrafted pottery directly reflects the intentions and skills of the artist, leading to unique shapes and designs that enhance the allure of ceramics.

Expressiveness of Glaze: The glaze gives pottery its color and texture. Variations in the type of glaze, application method, and firing conditions can produce vastly different appearances from the same clay.

The Sensibility and Story of the Artisan: Each piece of pottery is imbued with the sensitivity, background, and story of its maker, giving each creation its unique personality and allowing us to feel the heart of the artist.

Embracing Tamba pottery in our offerings is our way of connecting our clients with the rich heritage and artistic expression of Japan.

#TambaPottery #JapaneseArt #CulturalHeritage #HandcraftedElegance #HomeDecor #TraditionalCraftsmanship #InteriorDesign #LuxuryLiving #ExpatLife #CulturalAppreciation #JapaneseCeramics #ArtisanalExcellence #OsakaExpo #CulturalExchange

Navigating Challenges: The Road to a Successful Osaka Expo

By | Expo Osaka 2025

It’s concerning to hear reports of delays in the preparations for the Osaka Expo, as well as apparent gaps in negotiations between Japan and other countries. The Expo isn’t just a business event; it’s a platform for cultural exchange between Japan and the global community. Delays and missteps not only jeopardize Japan’s international reputation but could also affect future business relationships. It’s essential for all involved to approach this event with empathy and a spirit of cooperation. Let’s remember the Expo’s broader significance as we work towards successful execution. #OsakaExpo #CulturalExchange #InternationalRelations

The Architectural Wonders of Japan and Challenges at Expo 2025 Osaka

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In the picturesque city of Kyoto, the historic Kiyomizu-dera stands as a testament to ancient Japanese architectural techniques. Captured in this image from their official website, the temple is renowned for its construction without the use of a single nail, showcasing remarkable earthquake resistance.

Turning our attention to the Osaka Expo 2025, the budget for the Grand Ring is an astonishing 36 billion yen. Dividing this by the ring’s circumference:

2 km / 360 = 5 m

This equates to approximately 0.1 billion yen per 5 meters of the ring. However, architectural experts, after evaluating the costs of wood, concrete, and labor, estimate the market price for such a structure in Japan to be around 9 to 10 billion yen. Adding a 20% markup and a 10% consumption tax, with the involvement of five intermediary companies, the calculations seem to align perfectly.

Concerns arise with the use of raw wood, which is vulnerable to rain damage. Even a single month of Japan’s rainy season in June can significantly wear down the wood, necessitating protective coatings.

Interestingly, the nail-free construction of Kiyomizu-dera is not only a hallmark of traditional craftsmanship but also a strategy to prevent rusting of metal components. Conversely, for the Grand Ring of the Expo, the wooden joints seem to incorporate metal fastenings, deviating from the purely traditional methods.

#JapaneseArchitecture #KiyomizuTemple #Expo2025Osaka #GrandRingProject #CulturalHeritage #InnovativeConstruction #ArchitecturalChallenges #SustainableDesign #HistoricalPreservation #KyotoBeauty #OsakaExpoPreparations

Efficient Construction Practices: A Lesson from Suita City Project for Expo 2025

By | Expo Osaka 2025

This year, I single-handedly executed a renovation project in Suita City as a skilled carpenter. The project involved restoring 140 square meters of aged flooring to a glossy shine and reviving a damaged Japanese-style alcove using a sander and urethane paint. Despite being a 30-year-old property, it was rented out at a high rate, immediately signed by the first client who viewed it. My solo effort in purchasing materials and undertaking the work significantly reduced the construction costs.

However, I recently heard about the high costs of construction for the Type X pavilions at the Osaka Expo. I believe the reason for this is as follows:

(Worker’s Salary + Material Costs + Contractor’s Margin) x 1.2 (Broker’s Margin)

With five brokers involved, the multiplication factor becomes 2.48 times after repeated application:

1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 ≈ 2.48 times

Additionally, a consumption tax of 1.1 times applies to each of these elements.

Therefore, the construction cost of my Suita City project multiplied by more than ten times equals the construction cost at Yumeshima for the Expo.

Expo 2025 in Osaka is entangled with countless incompetent brokers, not just in construction but also in other sectors, both domestically and internationally.

Eliminating these brokers and appointing skilled coordinators is essential for efficiency and cost-effectiveness in such large-scale projects.

#Expo2025 #OsakaExpo #ConstructionEfficiency #SuitaCityProject #BuildingCosts #BrokerImpact #CostManagement #InfrastructureDevelopment #ProjectManagement #SkilledCarpentry #InnovativeConstruction

Yumeshima Tunnel Flooding and Traffic Disruptions: A Safety Concern for Expo 2025 Visitors

By | Expo Osaka 2025

In June 2023, an important safety concern arose for the upcoming Osaka Expo 2025. The tunnel connecting Yumeshima and Sakishima, two artificial islands, is prone to flooding due to linear precipitation bands, leading to frequent traffic closures. This issue needs to be addressed to ensure the safety of all Expo visitors.

(Sankei Newspaper Article Translation)
On June 2, 2023, the Osaka City Office reported that the Yumeshima Tunnel experienced flooding, causing partial lane closures. The time for reopening remains uncertain. According to the Osaka Port Bureau, rainwater and mud flowed into the tunnel, prompting the closure of lanes from Sakishima towards Yumeshima. The lanes from Yumeshima to Sakishima remained open.

Furthermore, the Shin-Kizugawa Bridge, connecting Taisho and Suminoe wards, was also temporarily closed due to flooding from noon on the same day, but reopened around 2 PM.

This development highlights a crucial infrastructure issue that could impact the Osaka Expo 2025, underscoring the need for robust planning and safety measures.

  1. #OsakaExpo2025 #YumeshimaTunnel #InfrastructureSafety #TravelDisruptions #FloodPrevention #ExpoPreparations #UrbanPlanning #OsakaCityUpdates #ExpoSafetyConcerns #TransportationChallenges

Expo 2025’s Soaring Costs and the Kishida Administration’s Crisis: A Bureaucratic Backlash Begins

By | Expo Osaka 2025

The collective backlash from Tokyo’s Kasumigaseki bureaucrats against the Kishida administration has begun, marking a critical phase in Japanese politics. Recent media reports revealed an additional burden of 83.7 billion yen for the construction of Expo 2025, a figure previously known to bureaucrats but deliberately withheld from the Kishida government. Even Jimi, the Minister in charge of the Expo, was kept in the dark due to the bureaucrats’ failure to report.

With the plummeting approval ratings of the Kishida administration, bureaucrats have assessed that Kishida lacks the power to manage the situation effectively. As a result, they have decided to release a flood of previously hidden negative information, likely leading to further cost revelations and challenges for the Expo.

This strategy by the bureaucrats, once set in motion, often signals the end of a political regime in Japan. Next year, it’s highly probable that both the Kishida government and Minister Jimi will be utterly overwhelmed by the unfolding Expo scandal, leading to their political downfall.

In the coming year, Japan’s political landscape is poised for rapid and tumultuous changes, creating an increasingly unstable environment around Expo 2025.

#Expo2025 #JapanPolitics #KishidaAdministration #BureaucraticBacklash #PoliticalCrisis #GovernmentTransparency #RisingCosts #PoliticalInstability #OsakaExpo2025 #GovernmentAccountability