

The Ritz Carlton Kyoto

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The Ritz Carlton Kyoto

I would like to provide information about The Ritz Carlton Kyoto

It is a low-slung building by the Kamo River and the atmospher is different from the Ritz Carlton Osaka.

I think the reason for the low-slung hotel is the Japanese Building Standards Law, however the building is thoughtfully designed for the underground floor to admit sunlight.

The interior is designed on the theme of The Tale of Genji.

I found in the picture by the Italian restaurant that an image of Hikaru Genji (a main character of The Tale of Genji) appears on the picture as I watch from the side.

The best part of the interior design of this hotel is the Moon which reflects and hangs on the large glass.

The moon has fine stitching. It is on the wall of the opposite side.

The Tale of Genji is the Japanese literary work in the Heian Period which is one thousand years ago. The literary artist is a woman writer. It is often said that Japan is an exclusively male society, however actually women were playing leading roles in Japanese society since one thousand years ago.

It was long before European women’s participation in society.


The Tale of Genji is the highest pinnacle of Japanese literature.

There is no other Japanese literary production up to the present.

There are a few representatives of foreign managers in the Ritz Carlton Kyoto. They are real professionals of hotel management. Japanese staffs are managed by these few foreign management.

The Ritz Carlton Kyoto is a charming hotel which combines Western style of design and Japanese history.

Japanese-style Gifts

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QI want to bring a small Japanese gift for a foreign friend. My budget is approximately 3000 to 5000JPY. What a gift do you think is good ?

 A、The craftsmen of Echizen lacquer in Fukui Prefecture are making woodworking products before varnishing with lacquer. There is a shop (HACOA) in the building of LUCUA 1100 7th floor at JR Osaka station. I feel the imaginativeness and fun of the craftsmen. So there are a lot of fun things.

I took a special fancy to this product in this shop.

The price is 4800JPY.

There is a Japanese-style general goods shop in DAIMARU Umeda at JR Osaka station.

In view of the fact that the budget is under 5000JPY, it would be these products.

If you go to the food section B1F of Hanshin department store at JR Osaka station, there is a tea set which I often buy for a gift-giving to foreign customers. The design of these boxes are so beautiful and Japanese-style. I think this tea products will be very preferred.


Curtain Technique

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There are bright lights outside the window of the master bedroom in the apartment. The beams come through the openings in the curtains. So the lights disturb our customer’s sleep.

However there is nothing like the morning sunlight to wake one up

  1. A new curtain box is necessary
  2. A new thick curtain to keep out light with “return” system


This must be made to order and it is very expensive.

So we consider the method of settlement without incurring any charge.

(1) Filling up the gap on the curtain’s side 

  • Creating the curtain exactly like “return curtain

(2) Filling up the gap on the curtain’s upper side

  • Adjusting by the curtain’s hook

(3) Filling up the gap on the curtain’s center

  •  The plastic part is inconspicuous.

(4) IoT devise “MORNIN”

  • The automatic switch for the curtains
  • Time setting
  • Openable by Google Hom
  • Openable with smart phone. 

(My movie)


Windows can change the life of living significantly.

“Light” is very important for a comfortable home.

If you have any problems about windows, please feel free to come talk to Dios at any time.

The Problem of Relocation Service

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 Japanese relocation service for foreign companies has a structural defect in a system.

 Recently foreign companies are outsourcing all business of the personnel department to outside contractor of relocation service for the purpose of cost savings.

  However this management strategy to contract out entirely of work failed and is not working well.

  Consequently the question has come to the fore and many complaints have come in regarding Japanese relocation service by outsourcing it.  

 Foreign companies in Japan should perform a ground-up review of relocation service and make a drastic reform of the management strategy.


The underling causes are the following points.


(1)  The Lack of a Sense of Belongings

 In the event that foreign companies contract out entirely of work, since the outside contractor is not a member of the concerned company, the person who handles relocation service does not have “the Sense of Belongings” to clients.    


(2) Lack of Experiences and Employee education 

 There is a great difference of human resources’ quality between a relocation company and a client company.  

  The inexperience of the relocation company and employee training is another factor behind the problems.


3Rebates and kickback money

 A relocation company charges rebate / kickback money to real estate companies.

  Rebates are common between a relocation company and real estate company. It is business malpractice for a client.

  The management strategy is not going well for foreign companies to contract out entirely work to outside contractor.

  In case of outsourcing the relocation service to outside contractor, it is necessary for foreign companies to check the outside companies’ business affairs well.  


Winter Kobe

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In Japan there is not a custom of giving guests lodging in their own homes even if guests are relatives.

In the meanwhile, our foreign customers seem to have many guests who stay homes very often.

Of course, your guests would like to take advantage of such a rare opportunity to stay in Osaka Japan.

However, our customers seem to be too busy to guide for their own guests in Japan.

I am going to introduce our recommended places in this blog news for our international customers.


How do you like “Kobe Luminaries”



There was the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 January 17. It was Kobe that suffered the worst damage in the Great Hanshin Earthquake.

This “Kobe Luminaries” event is to do full honor to the memory