Dios’ Seamless Housing Services: Welcoming Overseas Staff for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo

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We are delighted to welcome more and more foreign staff members from the overseas pavilions of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, who have already begun moving into our residences. You can feel the city’s international presence growing, and just recently, we greeted five elegant young women arriving with their suitcases, all smiles and excitement to start their new life here.

Our furniture assembly team and preparation staff are finding great fulfillment in ensuring everything is set up flawlessly. In fact, our accommodations are so comprehensive that guests can simply arrive with one suitcase and be ready to start work the very next day. According to one overseas pavilion representative, “This setup keeps them happy.”

Meeting the unique and challenging housing requirements of these overseas pavilion staff is no easy task—especially when coordinating with Japanese property owners to create a comfortable environment. It’s nearly impossible for other companies, but we’re proud to be making it happen.

#OsakaExpo2025 #KansaiExpo2025 #Dios #GlobalStaffHousing #SeamlessLiving #FurnitureAssembly #RoomPreparation #HappyTenants #InternationalCollaboration #HousingSolutions #ExpatLife #ReadyToWork

Dios 2025 Vision Statement

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Dios 2025 Vision Statement

At Dios, we place our “warm spirit of compassion” at the core of everything we do, providing heartfelt kindness to all our customers, staff, and stakeholders.

During the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, we will welcome young people from around the globe to experience Japanese culture. Through our services, we aim to create lifelong memories that leave them saying, “I’m so glad I came to Japan.”

In Osaka, we will establish a stage that opens doors to the future and expand this circle of warm compassion throughout the world.


Our Uncompromising Commitment to Quality and Japanese Craftsmanship

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At Dios, we are dedicated to selecting and coordinating every piece of furniture for our rental properties with the utmost care and attention to detail. For us, quality is non-negotiable. Each element in our designs is chosen to add not only functionality but also warmth and character to our living spaces. Our admiration for mingei—traditional Japanese folk crafts—plays a significant role in shaping our approach. These handcrafted pieces, created by artisans using time-honored techniques, bring a uniquely human touch that mass-produced items simply cannot replicate.

Our passion for quality craftsmanship leads us on journeys across Japan in search of these one-of-a-kind items. We carefully select pieces that will enrich the lives of our international guests by allowing them to experience the beauty and culture of Japan in their everyday surroundings.

Recently, our team traveled to the small villages of Fukui Prefecture in search of Echizen Washi, traditional Japanese paper with a legacy that spans over 1,500 years. This ancient papermaking tradition is preserved in a small village, a place where the art of crafting this unique paper has been passed down through generations. After an extensive search in Osaka, we realized that no paper could match the elegance and quality of Echizen Washi. As we visited each workshop, we discovered that no two artisans were alike; each created paper with a distinct character, whether focused on aesthetic artistry or innovative design.

In our exploration, we were introduced to the remarkable work of Mr. Ichibei Iwano, a Living National Treasure. Upon investigating Mr. Iwano’s meticulous process, we were astonished to learn that 80% of the papermaking involves carefully removing impurities. This time-intensive step could be skipped, yet Mr. Iwano devotes himself to it, ensuring each sheet of paper is flawless. This dedication struck a deep chord with us, as it encapsulates the Japanese spirit of monozukuri—the art of creating with uncompromising attention to detail.

In fact, this philosophy resonates with how we approach interior design at Dios. Like Mr. Iwano, we believe in striving for perfection, refusing to cut corners or settle for “good enough.” Each step in our design process is guided by a commitment to quality, as we aim to create spaces that feel complete and harmonious in every detail. This shared value of “no-compromise craftsmanship” is what connects our team to the artistry of Echizen Washi and to the spirit of Mr. Iwano’s work.

We were even more inspired to learn that Mr. Iwano’s paper was chosen by the Louvre Museum in France for the restoration of its priceless artworks—a decision made after comparing papers from all over the world. This prestigious selection underscores the exceptional quality and global admiration for his work.

At Dios, we strive to infuse this spirit of excellence into each home we design. By bringing the best of Japanese craftsmanship to our properties, we hope our guests can experience a taste of Japan’s rich heritage and cultural beauty. We believe that a commitment to quality and attention to detail is what makes us truly ichiryū—first-class. Through our work, we aim to offer spaces that feel like home while celebrating the timeless artistry of Japan.

人間国宝・岩野市兵衛 福井県越前市の越前和紙|活版印刷でつくる耳付き和紙名刺 逸 -ICHI-

#DiosApartments #JapaneseCraftsmanship #EchizenWashi #NoCompromiseQuality #JapaneseFolkCrafts #TraditionalJapaneseArt #HandmadeWithCare #LivingWithJapaneseCulture #LuxuryInteriors #ExperienceJapan #UncompromisingQuality #JapaneseDesign #MingeiArt #LivingNationalTreasure #CulturalElegance #JapaneseHeritage #PerfectedDesign #OneOfAKindCraft #HeartOfJapan

The Sweet Side of Care: Reflections on Sugar’s Role in Health and Life

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As our loved ones age, we are often faced with the delicate balance of offering care and comfort during challenging times. Recently, my elderly mother stopped eating entirely, causing much concern within my family. My brother quickly took her to the hospital, where the doctor explained that she was experiencing the natural decline of old age, often referred to as “frailty.”

We learned that in this stage, many elderly people gradually stop eating and drinking, as their bodies quietly prepare for the end of life. While it’s a difficult reality to face, we realized that the best we could do was to offer her comfort during this time.

However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more I could do. Determined to help, I decided to buy a blender and make fresh drinks for her each night, even after long workdays. I wanted to give her something that felt more natural and wholesome than canned nutritional supplements.

Each night, I prepared a simple yet nourishing blend of one banana, green vegetable powder, honey, and milk. The honey added a sweetness that made the drink much more enjoyable. When I gently encouraged her to try it, she surprised us all by finishing the entire glass and exclaiming, “Delicious!” It was a small victory, but one that filled my heart with hope.

Through this experience, I noticed something profound: the sugars in the honey and fruit seemed to give her an instant boost of energy and vitality. It made me reflect on the role that sugar—something so common in our modern diets—has played in human history.

For thousands of years, humans struggled against hunger. Before the advent of agriculture, our ancestors likely spent a great deal of effort trying to keep their blood sugar levels from dropping. In times like those, a source of sugar would have acted almost like medicine, offering the body a quick and essential surge of energy, much like it did for my mother.

However, in today’s world, sugar is both abundant and inexpensive. The very thing that once served as a life-saving “medicine” has now become a potential health hazard for many. The easy availability of sugary foods has led to overconsumption, which in turn has contributed to a host of modern health issues.

This experience has led me to an important realization: while sugars—whether from honey, fruits, or even table sugar—can offer immediate and beneficial effects, especially for those in need of energy, they must be consumed in moderation. In a society where sugar is so readily available, finding the right balance is key.

In conclusion, sugar, like many things in life, can be both a help and a harm. It has the power to nourish and comfort, but also to cause harm if not approached mindfully. Understanding the dual nature of sugar’s effects is crucial, especially in today’s world where its role has shifted from a rare necessity to an everyday indulgence.

As caregivers and individuals, we can learn to use sugar wisely, offering it when it’s truly needed while also remembering the importance of moderation in maintaining health. In this way, we honor both the past and the present, and perhaps offer a sweeter, healthier future for those we care for—and for ourselves.


#ElderlyCare #CaringForLovedOnes #AgingWithDignity #FamilyCare #SeniorHealth #NaturalHealing #HoneyAndFruit #FrailtyAwareness #AgingGracefully #SupportAndCare #LoveAndCare #BlendedNutrition #HealthyAging #CompassionateCare #PersonalJourney #SweetComfort #FoodAndHealing #ElderlyNutrition #LifeWithElders #FamilyFirst #EmotionalSupport #CaregiverLife #MomAndSonBond #EndOfLifeCare #MindfulNutrition #NaturalRemedies