Delving into the Cool Night of Fireworks at the Yodogawa Fireworks Festival

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Tomorrow, August 3rd, marks the spectacular evening of the Yodogawa Fireworks Festival, beginning at 7:30 PM. I have the pleasure of accompanying some international guests to the riverside to enjoy this luminous spectacle. I warmly invite everyone to join us and ensure not to miss this breathtaking display.

The art of fireworks, interestingly, was first invented in Japan. It dates back to the Edo period—a time when air conditioning was nonexistent. On hot summer nights, people dressed in airy yukatas and used fans to create a breeze, finding mental respite in the coolness that this brought.

The Edo era was known for its isolationist policies, resulting in 250 years of peace without wars. Contrary to popular belief that Japan was a male-dominated society, the Edo period was quite the opposite; it was a time when women held significant strength. Typically, women detested war, and during this period, when men were less preoccupied with battles, women’s influence was notably strong within households.

For instance, a divorce was as simple as a woman placing a “mikudarihan” (three-and-a-half-line letter) on the table: stating merely, “I am, from you, parting.” Such a letter would leave the husband profoundly shocked.

Additionally, the average number of children per family during the Edo period was about two to three, in contrast to the war-ridden Sengoku period, where families typically had up to seven children. The fewer number of children during the Edo era represented an ideal balance for women, avoiding the extremes of having too many or too few responsibilities.

Moreover, the women’s preference for beauty is evident from the elaborate kimonos and designs that emerged during the Edo period. The initiation of fireworks during this time was also driven by women’s admiration for the stunning vistas they painted in the night sky—making the tradition of fireworks essentially a celebration of women’s cultural influence.

As recent summers have become particularly hot, making it challenging to concentrate on work, the fireworks night offers a delightful escape. Forget the stresses of daily life for a moment and immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Japan’s Edo period. Please join us to experience this traditional spectacle and enjoy a night filled with history, beauty, and communal joy.

Embracing the Vibrant Summer Festivals in Osaka

By | Life in Japan

Dear Esteemed Guests,

We are delighted to share that some of our esteemed foreign guests, including directors of overseas pavilions for the 2025 Osaka Expo, have already begun settling into their apartments in Osaka. While we understand that preparations for the expo keep you busy, we warmly encourage you to take some time to experience the traditional cultural festivities that Japanese summers have to offer.

On July 14th, a small shrine near Osaka hosted a summer festival. The highlight of this event was the spirited movement of the heavy portable shrines, carried by robust men. It was a powerful display of human vitality, almost as if paying tribute to the gods. As you may know, Kyoto’s famous Gion Festival reaches its climax on July 16th. In Osaka, the Tenjin Festival takes place on July 24th and 25th, followed by the Yodogawa Fireworks Festival on August 3rd. Despite the high humidity and heat of Japanese summers, these festivals offer a refreshing and enjoyable experience. It’s a testament to the wisdom of our ancestors, who found ways to feel cool and comfortable even without air conditioning.

At a recent summer festival near Shitennoji Temple, the “Kongō Gumi” construction company had a booth. This company, renowned for building temples and shrines, has a history dating back 1,400 years to the Nara period, making it the oldest corporation in the world. They utilize traditional carpentry techniques, assembling wooden structures without nails, using intricate joinery instead. I had the pleasure of exchanging business cards with their sales manager and even inquired if they could build a house for me, to which I received a positive response.

Kongō Gumi graciously gifted me a cypress coaster, accompanied by a note stating, “This coaster is resistant to humidity but vulnerable to fire. Its durability exceeds 1,000 years.” Such craftsmanship and attention to detail are truly remarkable.

We encourage our foreign guests residing in Osaka to take a short break and explore the local surroundings. Japan is brimming with fascinating experiences waiting to be discovered.

Warm regards,

Embracing Hospitality: A Warm Welcome from Dios Co., Ltd.

By | 未分類

It has been reported that the construction of the Type A international pavilions for the World Expo is experiencing delays. As Japanese citizens and hosts, we are deeply concerned that this may cause us to inadvertently appear disrespectful to our esteemed guests from abroad.

Recently, we had the opportunity to visit the Adachi Museum of Art in Shimane Prefecture. This museum, established by real estate entrepreneur Mr. Adachi, features a magnificent Japanese garden. For twenty consecutive years, this garden has been ranked first by a prominent American magazine dedicated to Japanese gardens. The dedication and meticulous care of countless skilled gardeners are evident in the tranquil beauty of this landscape.

As we strolled through the beautifully maintained gardens, we reflected on the essence of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Historically, Japanese hosts would offer tea to their guests while showcasing a meticulously manicured garden, embodying the spirit of hospitality through time and effort devoted to creating a serene environment. This was how the Japanese showed their hospitality to their guests.

As a small company, the scope of what we can offer our guests is limited primarily to housing. However, we at Dios Co., Ltd. believe that what we can provide, though modest, is meaningful.

We firmly believe that experiences in Japan are not just about work. Rather, it is the experiences outside of work that contribute to rich and meaningful international exchange. These moments of cultural immersion and relaxation will leave a lasting impression, far beyond professional achievements.

At Dios Co., Ltd., we are committed to welcoming you with warmth and ensuring that your stay in Japan is fulfilling. Although our contributions may be modest, we strive to make a positive impact on your experience in our beautiful country.

Thank you for choosing Dios Co., Ltd. We look forward to welcoming you with open hearts and making your stay in Japan a memorable one.

Introducing Our New Tree Pruning Service: Expert Care for Your Garden

By | Cleaning

When living in a detached house, it is essential to recognize the need for regular garden maintenance. In rental properties, landlords might arrange for garden pruning once a year, but generally, tenants are responsible for maintaining their gardens themselves. Without periodic maintenance, approximately every six months, plants can grow too large, making pruning a more significant and challenging task.

Additionally, as trees grow taller, the work becomes more hazardous, making it difficult for the average person to manage. Larger pruning jobs also involve more extensive branch and leaf disposal, which can be quite burdensome.

At Dios, we have established partnerships with experienced arborists to provide expert garden maintenance services. Proper garden care is not just about the amount of work but also about enhancing the beauty of your garden and trees. The appearance of your garden from the street greatly influences the overall impression of your home.

A well-maintained garden not only boosts the credibility of the home but also affects its real estate value. At Dios, we offer comprehensive advice on garden pruning, gardening, and exterior home improvements in English. For those interested in enjoying home gardening, we can also prepare the soil and create vegetable beds, which is a great activity for health.

Our arborists, with 30 years of experience, will ensure that your garden receives the best care possible. If you have any concerns or issues with your garden, please feel free to consult with us.

We look forward to helping you create and maintain a beautiful, thriving garden. Your satisfaction and the enhancement of your home’s beauty are our top priorities.

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